Monday, January 7, 2013

A Life Change expierence....

Today I started A blog on Day 6 of my interesting weight loss journey.  It has been interesting trying to decide what I can eat to be A Skinny old Hen.  I couldn't say chick because that is just not the case here.  when you get up in the morning you think, "did I loose 5 lbs while I was sleeping", no, there is something wrong with these scales.  Got to have that Breakfast because if I wait, they say it messes with those things in my body that I don't even know the words.  Oscar and Fancy (MY DOGS) follow me to the kitchen and you can see their little Doxie faces saying, "scramble our eggs, add some crispy bacon, maybe a little Ham on the side".  What now, I have to add some exercise this week, lets see, drag out that Gazell and walk for 10 minutes to start..Yeah, I am through.  That wasn't so bad while the brain is telling me, "yep you are smaller".  I believe I have the power to talk to myself and find the answer I like..Giggle..what to do know now.  later. I am still thinking this is A life change, or A 6 day change at best........